V Lezione dottorale

La V lezione dottorale avrà luogo giovedì gennaio dalle 17 alle 19 presso l'aula A del dip.to di Storia Medievale.

I dott. Daniel Pommier Vincelli e Alessandro Vagnini parleranno di Ottocento e i Risorgimenti

3° ICHSS Rome-Italy 20-22 September 2013

Call for Papers

Please send your abstracts to: conference@mcser.org  

       Aims and scope

The conference will address all the studies across the social and human sciences. Are encouraged to register and attend this Conference all academics, researchers or scholars.
        In the spirit of interdisciplinary interchange, the Conference will involve scholars, teachers and researchers working in a broad range of areas including: Education, Anthropology, Applied Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Cognitive Science, Literature, Language, Communications, History, Economics, Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies, Law, Management, Media, Politics, Public Policy, Psychology, Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods, Social Welfare, Sociology and Technology, Geography, Development, and all other areas of Human and Social Sciences.

         Publication/Proceedings Details

All papers accepted for presentation to the Conference will be published on the special issues of the following journals:

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,
Journal of Educational and Social Research
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

     All journals are published by Sapienza and MCSER.

Papers also will be published in the Conference Proceedings as a book  with ISBN.

        In-Person or Virtual presentation

You may submit a proposal to the Conference Committee for an In-Person Presentation, or a Virtual Presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences. If your Conference proposal is accepted you may write a full paper for presentation to the conference. All manuscript should be written in English, French or Italian language. Title and abstract should be written only in English. Authors can present the papers in english, italian or french  language.

     The Virtual Presentation consists in the presentation of papers by poster. 

If you cannot be present in person in Rome, You can download on the website the poster form, fill it and send by email to conference@mcser.org. Your poster will be printed and presented by the organizers to the conference in the poster session. All participants interested in your paper will send the comments by e-mail. All papers accepted for presentation In-Person or Virtual Presentation will be published in book proceeding and in our Journals JESR AJIS and MJSS). 

      Submission Deadline

An abstract should be submitted first until April 30. Authors will be notified about the status of their abstract before MAY 05 and if the abstract is accepted you can send the full paper until June 30, 2013. The conference will be held on September 22-24 2013 at Sapienza University of Rome.

·      Submission of abstracts: until……………………............…APRIL 30, 2013
·      Notification of acceptance of abstracts: before…….MAY 05, 2013
·      Payment of the Conference fee: until…………….......…JUNE 30  2013
·      Participation on the Conference ………………….......…SEPTEMBER 20-22, 2013
·      Submission of the full papers
            for Publication on the Conference
            Proceeding and in MJSS JESR AJIS Journal, until……..JUNE 30, 2013

If you does not meet the deadlines please contact the organizer at conference@mcser.org

Journals, Book Proceedings and Certificates of Appreciation will be distributed during the Conference. Authors that will participate with Virtual Presentation will receive all materials in their addresses by poste with air registered mail.  

      Submission Guidelines

If you wish to participate at 3rd ICHSS ROME 2013, submit your proposal to conference@mcser.org. Proposals should include authors’ names; title, affiliation, and an abstract with 150-250 words. Each proposal submitted will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.
In case of Acceptance, a manuscript should be written in Word file and should not exceed 10    pages. Full paper should be send before June 30. Papers sent after the deadline will be published anyway in journals and proceedings but authors should pay an extra fee of eur 20 for the shipment. All papers submitted after the deadline will be published in November and will be shipped by poste.

Please use the following rule of text for your manuscript:

Paper: (Title, abstract, and text) 12 pts, single line,  Justified, Garamond or Times New Roman
References: Use APA style for references
Tables and figures: Included in the text, centered and numbered      

Conference fee

The registration fee in person or virtual presentation is 200 EURO before 30 June 2013, and 300 EURO after 30 June.
      The fee of Euro 200 is to be paid for each paper accepted not for each author, if you want to present a paper with your colleagues as co-authors you have to pay anyway Euro 200, and you will receive one copy of the journal and one copy of Book Proceeding, if you need extra copies you have to pay Eur 20 or usd 30 for each copy).
      The second paper from the same author will charged Euro 100 instead of Euro 200. In this case articles will be published in different journals.

The fee include:
  • One copy of the Journal
  • One copy of the Proceeding Book
  • Certificate of Appreciation
  • Materials of the Conference (Bag, pen, block-notes, badge etc)
  • Coffe Break through sessions (20-21-22)
  • Buffet Lunch (21 September)
  • Souvenire from Rome

We would appreciate if you share the ICHSS 2013 conference with your colleagues.

Thank you very much for your interest and hope to see you in Rome!

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Sokol Pacukaj
Coordinator ICHSS 2013
Sapienza University of Rome
Cel: 00393384301370

Milan Ratislav Stefanik alla luce degli archivi italiani

Si è tenuta il 23 gennaio 2013 alle ore 15 presso l'aula Organi Collegiali (Palazzo Rettorato, piano terra) il convego Milan Ratislav Stefanik, un eroe per la libertà nell'Europa del XX secolo in cui è stato presentato il volume di Antonello Biagini e Miroslav Musil, Stefanik alla luce degli archivi italiani.
Traduzione in italiano di Giovanni Gentile

IV Lezione dottorale

La prossima lezione dottorale avrà luogo il 30 gennaio (ore 17-19) Aula C (dip.to studi Storico-religiosi).
I dottori Becherelli e Pommier Vincelli parleranno di "Settecento e rivoluzioni".

24 gennaio 2013. III lezione seminariale

La prossima lezione del ciclo seminariale si terrà il 24 gennaio 2013 h. 17-19 in aula A (sezione medievale).

I dottori Antonello Battaglia e Alberto Becherelli affronteranno la tematica relativa alla crisi del Seicento.

17 gennaio 2013. Lezione seminariale dottorato


Riforma e Controriforma. L'Europa della fede e dei simboli è il titolo della lezione seminariale, tenuta dal prof. Francesco Dante e dalla dott.ssa Maria Nogues Bruno, che avrà luogo giovedì 17 gennaio dalle ore 17 alle ore 19.

Milan Ratislav Stefanik, un eroe per la libertà nell'Europa del XX secolo

Si terrà il 23 gennaio 2013 alle ore 15 presso l'aula Organi Collegiali (Palazzo Rettorato, piano terra) il convego Milan Ratislav Stefanik, un eroe per la libertà nell'Europa del XX secolo in cui sarà presentato il volume di Antonello Biagini e Miroslav Musil, Stefanik alla luce degli archivi italiani.
Traduzione in italiano di Giovanni Gentile

Clicca per ingrandire

Clicca per ingrandire

I Lezione Corso Dottorale

Si informa che il corso seminariale del Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia d'Europa avrà inizio il 10 gennaio 2013.

La prima lezione "Gli archivi e la ricerca storica" sarà tenuta dal dott. Alessandro Gionfrida (ore 17-19 aula A - sezione Storia Medievale).